The ACL Injury Prevention (ACL Strength Appropriate/Knee Stabilization) component of the New Wave Sports Conditioning Program is one of the most essential parts of your training program, because if you get an ACL injury, you are out of action for a good part of the year, if not longer. Therefore, you not only miss out on competitive playing, but also the technical and tactical training development provided by your coaches, which would slow down your continual development as an athlete. 

Strengthening the Gluteus Medius Muscle

*A critical part of the ACL Strength Appropriate/Knee Stabilization component are exercises/drills that specifically target the strengthening of the Gluteus Medius muscle.

*The Gluteus Medius abducts and externally rotate the thigh, so that when the Gluteus Medius is strong, this helps prevent internal collapse of the knees.

*Three ACL Evaluation tests are also provided for you with the Dartfish Sports Video Analysis Program to examine, if there is appropriate strength in the Gluteus Medius muscle, that would prevent internal collapse of the knees during these evaluation tests.

Knee Stabilization, Balance & Proprioception

*The knee stabilization and balance drills offered with the New Wave Sports Conditioning program will decrease the risk of ACL injuries by helping to improve proprioception. 

*Proprioception is a neurologic process. It is the awareness of body segment positions and orientations.

*Balance drills are used to improve proprioception by training the brain to recognize the segment position of the body at all times. 

*Balance drills to improve proprioception are utilized for athletes, who are rehabilitating knee injuries. However, these drills can also be utilized by healthy athletes to decrease the risk of future injuries, by training proprioception pathways more effectively during athletic competition. 

*Peripheral and central nervous system receptors, including mechanoreceptors within muscles, tendons, and ligaments need to be activated to help prevent knee injuries. Balance drills assist in making this activation happen faster and more effectively, which will reduce the time between neural stimuli and muscular response. So while these balance drills will help improve athletic performance, utilizing these drills on a frequent basis can also decrease the risk of knee injuries.

Factors that Place Female Athletes at Higher Risk for Non-Contact ACL Injuries

*Preventing ACL injuries is vital for all athletes, but even more essential for females as studies have indicated that females, who participate in sports that require cutting and jumping, were 5 times more likely to suffer serious knee injuries compared to their male counterparts. Most of these injuries are actually non-contact ones, which result from jump landings or pivoting on the knee. While various studies are currently underway to try and determine why females are showing a higher incidence of ACL injuries compared to males, some early results have lead to some theories for explaining the greater prevalence of ACL injuries in females.

*One theory is based on the anatomical differences between females and males. Females generally have larger 'Q angles', which refers to the angles where the femur bone and tibia bone meets at the knee. The 'Q angle' is determined by the width of the pelvis. Having a larger 'Q angle' means that there is a greater susceptibility of the knee to have an inward torque when an individual performs jumping, landing, turning, and planting movements. Therefore, strengthening the Gluteus Medius muscle (as discussed earlier) is even more vital for females in the prevention of ACL injuries, with the function that muscle has in helping to prevent internal knee collapse. 

*Another difference is posture related. Females tend to move around with less of a knee bend. When the knees are straight, the ligaments are in a position more vulnerable to injury. The muscles can stabilize the knees more effectively, when the legs have some bend. There is a related aspect to this postural straight knee position in females.

*A study performed at the Santa Monica Orthopedic Sports Medicine Research and Education Foundation showed that females tend to jump and land flat footed with their knees in extended positions when compared to males. This landing in an extended knee position is now considered a primary factor to the greater number of ACL injuries in females. Utilizing a proper jump training program that teaches athletes how to jump and land correctly is a necessary component, which needs to be implemented to reduce the probability of ACL injuries. The goal is to minimize the chance that the athlete will end up in vulnerable positions, which result in knee injuries. The New Wave Sports Conditioning Program includes instruction to athletes for using correct form in jumping and landing when implementing specific jump training(plyometric) exercises. 

*Another significant factor for the greater number of ACL injuries in females is that they have less strength in the muscles surrounding the knee joint. More importantly, the ratio of strength between the Quadriceps and Hamstrings is not as close as it should be for some females. The potential to suffer an ACL injury is increased when there is an insufficient Quadriceps/Hamstrings strength ratio. Females, who have no prior strength training background, generally have even a greater imbalance of strength between the Quadriceps and Hamstrings.

Start Utilizing Drills/Exercises to Decrease the Risk of
Non-Contact ACL Injuries Now!

When an athlete suffers a knee injury, he or she will either have surgery with follow-up therapy or choose non-surgery therapy to treat that injury. There is still going to be a certain amount of time lost to participate in their sport during the year, which could be several months to a year. This fact makes it even more vital for all athletes to be aware of the potential risk for ACL injuries, and do what they can to minimize that risk.

To learn more about the essential 3 ACL Evaluation Tests and training drills for ACL Injury Prevention (ACL Appropriate Strength/Knee Stabilization), and all other training components of the New Wave Sports Conditioning program, please contact Michael Rose( or 557-8564) to set up a consultation to discuss a sports conditioning program and view the capabilities of the Dartfish Sports Video Analysis Program. Michael also offers the ACL Prescreen Evaluation Testing and Review of ACL Drills, as a 1 hour Take Home Evaluation Training Session, for those who do not train in his weekly/monthly sports conditioning programs. Contact Michael for the 1 Hour ACL Take Home Evaluation Training Session Program Fee and to set up an appointment.